War against breast cancer is not something new or never heard before but the new thing about this particular slogan is the involvement of the individual who is actually facing this disease. All of us and especially those who are aware of the detection procedure for breast cancer and the related things know about the breast cancer self-examination device. These devices are in fact for the screening and further for the treatment of this disease. Apart from anything else the personal involvement of the patient is a plus and positive gesture that can lead to a successful treatment.
Take Part In The Procedure Voluntarily:
You being a patient actually need to take part in all the activities at social and personal level. You have to consider all the options. You are not merely a patient but a human being first who is into so many relationships and responsibilities. Taking an active part in the activities that further can promote breast cancer awareness is sort of an essential task and you have to take part in it. If unfortunately you get into breast cancer and fortunately survived from this disease, it becomes your duty to aware others and provide them a moral and emotional support. If you will train others to face this disease with courage you actually will feel more relaxed and determined to defeat this. Having breast cancer doesn’t mean you should avoid taking care of yourself. You can still look beautiful. It’s your right to beautify yourself. Try to change your self-image especially during the several treatments you are going through. Don’t ignore yourself. Keep yourself busy in activities as much as you can.
You Can Be Researcher:
If you have already faced the menace of breast cancer and went through so many trails and procedures, you can actually take part in several researches to further secure the future of those who are at the risk or already have this disease. For instance, you can explain the importance of breast cancer self-examination device being used for the initial findings. The causes, prevention and treatment options for breast cancer patients are quite known things these days. More researches can be done to make such things more easy and valuable.
Raise Your Voice:
It is your right to raise your voice in support of the breast cancer patient and in need to start proper awareness campaigns in this regard. You truly have to show your passion of helping others practically. There is no harm to sign any agreement with the authorities to launch mammogram campaign so that women can get their breasts checked.
Be Guide For You & Others:
Though there are a few breast cancer prevention techniques or methods but it’s difficult in many ways especially when you are at the high risk. Here your thinking and practice will make difference. Knowing your health and family history you should be concern about yourself. The same way you can make others around you to realize this fact. Breast cancer screening should also be your priority. Change your life style, eating habits and become an exercise freak along with perusing other people who are at the risk.
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